from Muramatsu Gallery now @ nakagawa gallery

Critic by Art Historian Dr. Yannis Kolokotronis


During the last decade the emphasis has been shifted from the narrow prospect of morphological analysis to the social dimension of existence. The younger painters do not just rely on the fact that they are good craftsmen of the canvas and the recognition of their poetic gadfly is not enough for them. Integrated in the applications and possibilities of the information technologies are seeking to find the most suitable position for them.

Dionisis Christofilogiannis not by chance touches the reflections of a world society that changes radically and leaves rapidly behind the experiences and the way of life of our parents. Rammed in the reflections of online art with social face he focuses in moments of individuality and public behavior. His images are dynamic. Each painting gives the impression of a frozen snapshot of an amateur video immersed in gray. Each painting is like a public statement on terrorism, surveillance of the citizens, rappers, minorities, sexuality and loneliness.

Christofilogiannis belongs to a generation of painters that was kneaded with the virtual reality and accentuated its conscience contemplating in the possibilities of the Information Societies. A huge appetite for action and exploration prompts him to make a series of painted images of social reflection for public consumption and correspondence. On his canvas, sentiment, ethics, justice and metaphysics they engage and redistribute the environment of humans and digital machines. He knows that conflict games bring new persons in the limelight with new tactics that they do not leave any more a lot of space to the distress of Cezzane, the personal art of Picasso, in Rauschenberg’s experimental, in the frozen art of Warhol, in the provocative art of Jeff Koons.

Even the most recent art looks exceptionally distant. From a psychological point of view the painting of Christofilogiannis reflects the psychology of a generation of painters which they do not confirm their existence through old standards and neither simply paint in order to give aesthetic enjoyment. Being permanently connected with the phenomena of Information Technology Market are motivated via the painted image in order to determine the consequences emerging from the management of information in each one of us individually and in the relationships among the people. Through this prism, each painting of Christofilogiannis constitutes a reliable picture of social experience, an optical comment to the new model of life in which while the technology creates virtual bridges of communication between people, makes them at the same time schizophrenically individualists.

Art does not play any more with the structure of the picture because the artists play with the structures of the Information Technology Market. Finally, let’s consider that the new images differ so much from the old ones because they ceased to imply and the artist stopped to confess. In the new images the objective observation has replaced the personal hint and the scientific interpretation has replaced the individual illusions. Christofilogiannis answers with a series of works that records the dreary version of this era through genuine stories and real events in order to raise a voice of alert: Al1 = ALONE.

If the internet and the television replaced the painters of Renaissance in inflating the importance of an event against the society, the paintings of Christofilogiannis highlight the voids of cable narration. His painting does not create a tattoo in the social reality. He seeks to exorcise the atonal human loneliness through the unanticipated experience that is found in the streets. Atonal is the loneliness that does not smell the reality. Atonal is the loneliness of info-communication. The selective episodes that he painted as well as the texts that describe them may not modify the real images however Christofilogiannis threw the seed of doubt in the atonia of the information.

Yannis Kolokotronis

この十数年の間に、力強さが意味するものは狭義の形態分析のための将来への見 通しから社会的な実存の大きさへと変化していった。若き画家たちは、ただ単にキャンバスの上において良き芸術家であることに拘ら
ないばかりでなく、優れた絵描きであるとの賞賛にも、世に自分たちの詩的興奮が認 められることにも満足することはない。
現代の情報技術のプロセスが持つ可能性の中で、彼らはより相応しい地位を捜し 求めているのである。

ピードで変化し父祖の世代がこれまでに培った経験と生き方を捨て去った現代社会 の問題提起について触れてきたのではない。
社会的側面を持つオンライン・アートの問題提起の中に埋没した何かから、彼は 個性や社会的な行動の一瞬を拾い上げ、フォーカスしている。そのイメージはあくまで力強くダイナミックである。彼が描く絵は、灰色に沈むアマチュアのビデオに存在する冷たく凍った一瞬をス ナップ写真のごとく切り取ったかのような印象を人に与えているのだ。それは、テロリズムや国民の監視、ラッパーたち、マイノリティ、セクシャリテ ィそして孤独に対する彼なりの公式声明のように見て取ることが出来るのではない だろうか。

いずれにせよ、フリストフィロヤニスは、バーチャル・リアリティに掻き回され、情報社会の可能性の中でその意識をより磨かれてきた世代の画家の一人である ことは間違いない。その尽きることのない創作活動と探求への欲求は、消費活動と通信技術に対する 社会的な問題提起を一連の画作へと昇華するため、彼の背中を押し続けているのだ。 彼のキャンバスの上には、感覚、モラル、公平、抽象が衝突し合い、境界の曖昧 となった人間とデジタルマシンとの属する環境が再分割され表現されている。ディオニシスは、この衝突のゲームが過去の芸術―セザンヌの苦悶、ピカソの実験的芸術、ラウシェンバーグの試み、ウォーホールの冷えた芸術、そしてジェフ・クーンズの挑発的な芸術といったもの―の中にはもはや見つからない新しい方法で脚光を浴びようとしている若く才能ある者たちを招き寄せることを知っているのだ。


芸術がもはや絵画の構造の一部を構成することはない今、芸術家たちは情報テクノロジーの中の構造の一部を演じている。そろそろ我々は気づくべきではないのだろうか?新しい時代のイメージは過去のそれとは決定的に異なっているがゆえに、その新しいイメージが何かを仄めかすことを止め、また芸術家たちも同様に何かを告白することを止めたのだということを。 新しいイメージの中では、客観的な眼差しは個人的な暗示へと、また科学的な現象は個人の幻想へとそれぞれ置き換えられてしまった。フリストフィロヤニスはこれに対し、真実の歴史と現実に起こる事件の中である一声を上げるために、冷静なものの捉え方を映し出した力強い作品を以って応えている。ある一声…『AL1=ALONE』と。

もし、インターネットとテレビが世の中の出来事や事件の持つ意味を誇張しようとルネッサンスの画家たちに取って代わると言うのならば、フリストフィロヤニスの絵はそういったケーブルを通して生み出される言葉の隙間を照らし出すものであろう。彼の絵は、この社会の現実に刺青の如く何かを刻み込むようなものではない。ただ、一歩外に踏み出せば見つけることの出来る想像もつかない多くの体験の中に人間の無調の―アクセントのない―孤独を追い求めているのである。無調とは、現実の匂いを嗅ぎ取ることの出来ない孤独そのものである。 無調とはまた、情報コミュニケーションの中に存在する孤独である。 描かれたこれら選りすぐりのエピソードは、描写された文章と同様に現実のイメージを変えることは出来ないのかも知れない。 しかし、フリストフィロヤニスが現代社会の情報の海にあふれる倦怠感の中に、疑念と言う種を投げ入れたという事だけは確かである。


EROS is a solution if you are AL1

Eros comes to people suddenly in certain stages of their lives, even to those who are afraid of the apparent risk of adventuring away from separateness. People who are afraid of their emotions and afraid of life as such will often do anything in their power to avoid -- subconsciously and ignorantly -- the great experience of unity. Although this fear exists in many human beings, there are few indeed who have not experienced some opening in the soul where eros could touch them.

The RO of Eros, 200x200 cm
Eros in a highway, 200x200cm
(click to see larger image)

Love is a permanent state in the soul. Love can only exist if the foundation for it is prepared through development and purification. Love does not come and go at random; eros does. Eros hits with sudden force, often taking a person unaware and even unwilling to go through the experience. Eros is moving fast like a car in a high way up or down and is possible to hit you. Eros comes to people suddenly in certain stages of their lives, even to those who are afraid of the apparent risk of adventuring away from separateness. People that are afraid to switch on the light to see the truth. People who are afraid of their emotions and afraid of life as such will often do anything in their power to avoid the great experience of unity. Although this fear exists in many human beings, there are few indeed who have not experienced some opening in the soul where eros could touch them.
For the fear-ridden soul that resists the experience, this is good medicine regardless of the fact that sorrow and loss may follow due to other psychological factors. In rare cases, eros alone, without sex and love, exists for a limited time. This is usually referred to as platonic love. But sooner or later with the somewhat healthy person, eros and sex will mingle. The sex force, instead of being suppressed, is taken up by the erotic force and both flow in one current. The more the three forces remain separate, the unhealthier the personality is.
Without Eros, there is no passion. There is no “melding” of people and the communal sharing of one’s essence.
Without passion, “life is not worth living”. Whenever Eros is in a group, deep bonding can occur. This can bring feelings of immense satisfaction and inner well-being. While this feeling can certainly occur through the discovery of our own passions in life (ie work, hobbies, etc), it is only with the connection of others that Eros makes his presence known. For example, I can derive immense satisfaction through painting. But it is only when I share my work with others that real
connections are made. It is only then, that the work is finished; when I let the work go and have it become part of a community. In art therapy, the results are immediate; it goes from creation to sharing and discussing of the meaning of it..
If you don’t want to be alone just leave eros enter in your life!!!

AL1 in TOKYO - JAPAN 19th May 2008

Al1 means Al+one = ALONE.... This sad reality will be shown in Tokyo Gallery through you, through real stories and real facts in order to alert the audience: Look around you not only yourself. Real stories fromthe internet based on AL 1 concept transform to paintings on canvas. Articles from the net describe the paintings.
“Independent”, but alone

ax is one of more than 10 million Americans age 65 or older who live alone, according to the Census Bureau. Although the majority remain independent and active, as longevity increases, a growing number find that independence can have a downside: isolation.
Some isolated older people have children or relatives, but they live at a distance or rarely visit. Others never married or had children, or they've outlived their children. Some volunteers meet practical needs. Every other Sunday, Steve and Holly Clark of Norwood, N.J., drive 45 minutes to deliver groceries to a 94-year-old man who lives alone in a house that's been his home for 50 years.

"Bondage" , 70x50cm

I 've always kept my self alone having bondage sessions and sex separate, but I think that after this wonderful experience, I wont be able to keep them apart. I quite enjoyed the feeling to be alone and look of having purple breasts! Prepare to be spanked, tickled and tied up - all in the pursuit of fun and adventure that is! This saucy little kit will have you experiencing new things and pushing your own boundaries! Bondage 101 contains all the ingredients you'll need for an unadulterated night of pure pleasure...and a little pain! Containing 36 adventure cards, two dice, a wooden paddle, a mask and a long black scarf - this will perk up your love life and have you begging for more. So prepare for some excitement and indulge in some hanky panky! Warning: This is an explicit game not for the faint hearted!

"Leave me alone". 50x45 cm

Even at work I can’t feel relaxed at my office. The sad reality expands more and more. The loss of employee privacy rights in the workplace is a growing concern among employees, attorneys, and civil libertarian groups. Although employers in banks, telecommunications, securities exchange, in hi-tech industries, and in other workplaces justify using video surveillance in the workplace to monitor employee behavior to chiefly promote safety, improve productivity, and stop theft, protecting employee privacy must be a top concern. For if the courts find that the employer’s surveillance methods are less than fair, that firm may find itself knee-deep in lawsuits that could have been prevented. According to a 2005 survey conducted by the American Management Association, more than half of the companies surveyed use video monitoring to prevent theft, violence and sabotage (51% in 2005 vs. 33% in 2001). In addition, the number of companies that use video surveillance to track employees’ performance has also increased, with 10% now videotaping selected job functions and 6% videotaping all employees. Among firms that use video surveillance, 85% notify employees.

"Geek". 45x50cm

In September, South Korea held the first international symposium on Internet addiction. “Korea has been most aggressive in embracing the Internet,”. “Now we have to lead in dealing with its consequences.” Though some health experts here and abroad question whether overuse of the Internet or computers in general is an addiction in the strict medical sense, many agree that obsessive computer use has become a growing problem in many countries. Doctors in China and Taiwan have begun reporting similar disorders in their youth. In the United States, estimates that up to nine million Americans may be at risk for the disorder, which he calls pathological computer use. Only a handful of clinics in the United States specialize in treating it, he said. “Korea is on the leading edge,” Dr. Block said. “They are ahead in defining and researching the problem, and recognize as a society that they have a major issue.” The rescue camp, in a forested area about an hour south of Seoul, was created to treat the most severe cases. This year, the camp held its first two 12-day sessions, with 16 to 18 male participants each time. (South Korean researchers say an overwhelming majority of compulsive computer users are male.)

the right to be left alone.

This case is about "the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men," namely "the right to be left alone.

“Hallo”. 50x45cm

Facing Terrorism.
The threats of terrorism have left us all fearful and anxious. American’s stress level is up and people talk about being anxious and afraid. We worry about the possibility of another terrorist attack. We feel stressed because we don’t know what to expect from day to day. This is a particularly difficult time for older adults who live alone. While older adults have family and friends to turn to, there are times when it is just scary to live alone. It can be especially frightening when you are an older adult. Do one thing at a time. Keep a routine. Try these tips. Maintain your regular sleep schedule, Eat regularly and well, Exercise is a stress-buster, Keep your usual schedule, Maintain contact with friends and family, Keep in touch. Know your neighbors, Talk to yourself, Listen first, then talk to yourself.

Nice View. 30x30cm

My family has gone through a rough patch in the past year with my younger brother. I got left out by my family while they were dealing with all the trials they had, and I felt rejected.
But then I stumbled across this verse, and all those feelings melted away. This verse has given me hope that I’m not alone. I’m not worried about their attention anymore; I have God’s.
I am joining the Air Force soon, and this verse is going to be something I remember every day. I am going to basic training where I will be broken down, and then rebuilt. I can never forget this verse, I depend on it. God is amazing, and I don’t know where I would be right now if I didn’t have him to lean on.

Standalone. 30x58cm

Robots could one day demand the same citizen's rights as humans, according to a study by the British government.The paper says a "monumental shift" could occur if robots develop to the point where they can reproduce, improve themselves or develop artificial intelligence. The research suggests that at some point in the next 20 to 50 years robots could be granted rights. If this happened the robots would have certain responsibilities such as voting, the obligation to pay taxes, and perhaps serving compulsory military service. Conversely, society would also have a duty of care to their new digital citizens. It also warns that the rise of robots could put a strain on resources and the environment. "These scans are tools for government to identify risks and opportunities in the future," said Sir David.

Just Married and I Want to be ALONE. 30x48cm

I don't know you so I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you that as a teenager and young man I thought I was gay and then decided I was bisexual, got
married and thought I could make this work. I'm 42 now and still married and unhappy. if you are a gay your feelings are NOT going to go away! Mine haven't.

Love alone animals. 30x30cm

You need to teach your dog to be more independent! You should allow your dog to shadow you around the home. • Never give your attention when he demands it! Only give him attention when he has stopped demanding it or when you want too. This will help for when he is anxious when he is left alone, and not able to receive attention. • When you leave your dog, it must be kept low key to stop your dog getting anxious. • When you return home you must keep it low keep. • Don’t ‘say bye’ to your dog when you are leaving the house.Your dog will understand your bye as I am leaving you alone now and he will start to become anxious. • Make sure you exercise your dog before leaving her for long periods of time; this will help to tire her out. • You need to leave interesting toys & chews for your dog to play with. • You need to teach your dog to be alone. • You also need to start leaving him in the house for a few minutes, then return. This will help build his confidence up with being left alone & you will return.

Where is the socket?. 50x70cm

Me and my laptop. I don’t need cables and sockets. Just I want to stay alone.You want to know the reason for the smiles on my face and my obsession with my laptop! There is a new iPhone bug that has the capability to run internet on your laptop with Edge connection that is authorized only to run an iPhone. Join the club of iPhone hackers and run internet on your laptop on Apple’s expense. Watch the youtube to find out how this is done! Pretty nifty trick… oh my god ….. my laptop runs out of battery….. where is the socket?

Astronaut. 50x58cm

Mankind will need to venture far beyond planet Earth to ensure the long-term survival of our species, according to the world's best known scientist, If you don’t want to be left alone on earth go “out” in space! Professor Stephen Hawking. Returning to a theme he has voiced many times before, the Cambridge University cosmologist said today that space-rockets propelled by the kind of matter/antimatter annihilation technology popularised in Star Trek would be needed to help Homo sapiens colonise hospitable planets orbiting alien stars. And he disclosed his own ambition to go into space. "Maybe Richard Branson will help me," he said, a reference to the space tourism plans of Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson, using the privately built SpaceShipOne to take people into space from 2008.